Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Original Article

Prevalência de neoplasias em 415 pacientes com trombose venosa profunda avaliados em hospital escola

Prevalence of neoplasms in 415 patients with deep venous thrombosis evaluated in a university hospital

Miriam Aparecida Linares, Tais Elisabete Rodrigues, Karen Kazue Hirato, Juliana D. de Oliveira, Selma Regina Oliveira Raimundo, José Maria Pereira de Godoy

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Objetivo: Os objetivos do presente estudo foram identificar os
tipos de neoplasias e avaliar sua prevalência em 415 pacientes com
trombose venosa profunda.
Método: Foi investigada a presença de neoplasias, em estudo prospectivo,
em 415 pacientes com trombose venosa profunda em membros
inferiores, com idades entre 11 e 92 anos; média de 55,2 anos. O
diagnóstico de trombose foi realizado com dúplex em todos pacientes
e nos casos de dúvida foi confirmado pela flebografia. Procederam-se
a história clínica e o exame físico, além de exames bioquímicos, por
imagem, biópsias e cirurgias quando indicadas. Entre os principais
exames laboratoriais, nos casos de suspeita clínica, realizaram-se as
radiografias de tórax, endoscopia, ultra-som de abdômen, tomografia
computadorizada e a ressonância magnética. Foram incluídos todos
os pacientes que apresentaram trombose venosa profunda e excluídos
os pacientes que já tinham diagnóstico prévio de neoplasia.
Resultados: Detectou-se a presença de neoplasias em 58 (415)
pacientes, representando 13,9%, sendo que 27,5% envolveu o trato
gastrointestinal, 17,2% o sistema ginecológico, 17,2% o sistema nervoso
central, 15,5% o sistema urológico, 8,6% o sistema respiratório,
6,8% o sistema tegumentar, 3,4% o esquelético, 1,7% o retroperitôneo
e 1,7% o reticuloendotelial.
Conclusão: Conclui-se que pacientes com trombose venosa profunda
apresentam uma alta prevalência de neoplasias, sendo sugerido
o seu rastreamento.


prevalência, neoplasias, trombose venosa.


Objective: The purposes of this study were to assess the prevalence
of neoplasms in 415 patients with deep venous thrombosis and to
identify its different types.
Method: The presence of neoplasms in 415 patients with deep
venous thrombosis of the lower limbs was evaluated in a prospective
study. The age of patients treated in the vascular surgery department
varied from 11 to 92 years with mean age of 55.2 years. Diagnosis of
thrombosis was performed using a duplex scan and, in case of doubt,
the results were confirmed by phlebology. Clinical history and physical
examination were performed for all patients. Biochemical, imaging
and surgical examinations, as well as biopsies, were performed when
required. Among the main laboratorial tests, in cases of clinical
suspicion, there were thoracic x-ray, endoscopy, abdominal ultrasound,
computerized tomography and magnetic resonance. Specific clinical
evaluations were requested for urological and gynecological complaints.
All patients with previous histories of neoplasms were excluded from
the investigation.
Results: A total of 58 (13.9%) neoplasms were detected in 415
patients suffering from deep venous thrombosis, 27.5% of which
developed in the gastrointestinal tract, 15.5% in the gynecological
system, 8.6% in the respiratory system, 6.8% in the tegumental system,
3.4% in the skeletal system, 1.7% rectroperitoneal and 1.7% in the
reticuloendothelial system.
Conclusion: As a conclusion, we may say that patients suffering
from deep venous thrombosis present with a high incidence of
neoplasms, suggesting that screening is a procedure of great


prevalence, neoplasms, thrombosis.
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