Varizes pulsáteis simulando aneurisma de artéria femoral: relato de caso
Pulsatile varicose veins simulating femoral artery aneurysm: case report
Cleilson Almeida Marchesi; Márcia Porto Assis
Severe tricuspid regurgitation is mentioned as a factor associated with development or recurrence of varicose veins in the lower limbs and may present with retrograde pulsatile flow. Differential etiological diagnosis of this ultrasound finding must include investigation of arteriovenous fistulas, since the treatment methods are different. Given the complexity of the general condition of patients with tricuspid regurgitation, treatment for pulsatile varices should be chosen on a case-by-case basis after multidisciplinary evaluation. All of the techniques commonly used to treat varicose veins are part of the therapeutic arsenal, as well as combinations of them, taking into account the severity of clinical manifestations and the cardiovascular risk involved. We report a case of pulsatile varices secondary to tricuspid regurgitation diagnosed when investigating a primary suspicion of femoral artery aneurysm in a 73-year-old patient, CEAP 4a, oligosymptomatic, who was treated with postural measures and elastic compression.
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