Linfangiectasia intestinal em adulto: relato de caso
Intestinal lymphangiectasia in an adult: case report
Gustavo Sasso Benso Maciel; Brenno Seabra de Mello Neto; Daniel Retsos Loss; Marcelo Soares Quintão; Cleilson Almeida Marchesi; Yasmin de Rezende Beiriz; José Marcelo Corassa
Intestinal lymphangiectasia is a group of rare diseases characterized by dilation of lymphatic channels. Its pathophysiology comprises obstruction of small bowel lymphatic drainage with secondary dilation of mucosal, submucosal, or subserous lymphatic vessels, distorting villous architecture and causing loss of lymph into the intestinal lumen, leading to malabsorption. The affected lymphatic vessels are primarily located in the small intestine, which is affected to a varying extent. Its etiology is still unknown. The following report presents a rare case of intestinal lymphangiectasia in an adult patient
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