Embolia pulmonar aguda extensa como complicação de COVID-19 oligossintomática: relato de caso
Extensive pulmonary embolism as complication of oligosymptomatic COVID-19: case report
Ailton Carvalho Barbosa Junior; Lívia Silva de Paula Faria; Larissa Freitas Peixoto Gloria; Graziella Viana da Silva; Paulo Henrique Ribeiro de Oliveira; Fabiano Vieira de Araujo; Felipe Eulalio Baldi Pessanha
Although the pathophysiology of coagulopathy associated with the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is not well known, occurrence of pulmonary embolism (PE) is frequently observed. However, few cases have been described in the literature in which patients who had asymptomatic COVID-19, with no risk factors for venous thromboembolism (VTE), presented extensive acute PE. We report the case of a patient with asymptomatic COVID-19, complicated by deep vein thrombosis and later by extensive acute PE, suggesting that these conditions should be systematically considered, even in asymptomatic COVID-19 patients with no known risk factors for VTE.
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