Aplicabilidade do teste do degrau na avaliação da aptidão física de mulheres com sintomas de doença venosa crônica: estudo transversal
Applicability of the step test for physical fitness assessment of women with chronic venous disease symptoms: a crosssectional study
Ícaro do Carmo Carvalho; Daniela Karina da Silva Ferreira
Background: Chronic Venous Disease (CVD) can seriously impact physical fitness. Certain measures and aptitude tests can be employed to evaluate this condition in people with CVD that are simple, quick, and less expensive alternatives when compared to laboratory methods. Objectives: To evaluate the applicability of the 4-minute step test, correlating its results with those of other measures and tests used with people with CVD symptoms. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study carried out with 47 active women with CVD symptoms who participate in public physical exercise programs and were recruited by spontaneous demand. After clinical evaluation of disease stage, sociodemographic data were collected and calf circumference measurements, ankle goniometry, the tiptoe test, and the 4-minute step test were conducted. The women were already familiar with the apparatus used. Results: The step test showed significant correlations (p<0.05) with calf measurements (r=0.31 and 0.32), flexibility (r=0.48 and 0.47), and the tiptoe test (r=0.33 for number of repetitions and 0.42 for speed of execution), in addition to an inverse correlation with disease severity (r=-0.29). Significant correlations were also found by age group (r=0.60 and 0.54, for calf circumference in the elderly) and by classification in tests and measurements (r=0.19 for the tiptoe test, and r=0.29, for ankle flexibility). Conclusions: The step test proved applicable and its use in conjunction with other aptitude tests offers a more complete evaluation of active women with CVD symptoms.
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