Relato de caso: aorta dorsal dupla persistente
Case report: persistent double dorsal aorta
Paulo Henrique Alves Togni Filho; Ernani Alves de Oliveira; Eduardo Milani Mora; Paulo Eduardo Borher Moreira; Bruno Previdelli Coghi; Guilherme Augusto Paro
Persistent double dorsal aorta is an extremely rare congenital anomaly, with only 13 cases published to date. The objective of this study is to present this embryological variant as observed in the abdominal aorta of a patient. The anatomical description was written up on the basis of a review of electronic medical records and imaging exams. The patient in this case was an elderly 79-year-old man who presented at emergency with pain at rest in the left lower limb. He was admitted and laboratory tests and imaging exams were ordered. The variation was an imaging finding observed on angiotomography, consisting of complete separation of the abdominal aorta into two portions - a ventral and a dorsal, with different calibers – at the level of the third lumbar vertebra. There was also an anomalous origin of the inferior mesenteric artery.
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