Transposição da artéria gastroduodenal na reconstrução vascular de lesão invasiva do hilo hepático por metástase de adenocarcinoma colorretal: relato de caso
Transposition of the gastroduodenal artery for vascular reconstruction of invasive lesion of the hepatic hilum due to colorectal adenocarcinoma metastasis: case report
Lucas Lourenço de Oliveira; Iasmin Maria Rodrigues Saldanha; Yago Eloy Souza Barbosa; Renato Mazon Lima Verde Leal; Abner Moreira Sampaio; Annya Costa Araújo de Macedo Goes; Marcelo Leite Vieira Costa
Colorectal cancer is one of the most prevalent malignant neoplasms in Brazil. Hepatectomy for resection of liver metastases plays an essential role in increasing disease-free survival, with the possibility of cure. The feasibility of liver resection depends on factors related to the remaining liver after surgery. In this article, a case is reported on the hepatic metastasectomy approach in a 47-year-old female patient, with colon adenocarcinoma who underwent vascular reconstruction in the same surgical procedure. The intrahepatic mass was transposition of the gastroduodenal artery through the anastomosis of the gastroduodenal artery and the right hepatic artery in a continuous suture, without complications. It is concluded that vascular anastomosis in hepatectomies for colon adenocarcinoma metastases is a complex procedure that requires skill and experience from the surgeon. The success rate is high, but it is important to be aware of the risk factors for complications. The most current data suggest that vascular reconstruction does not alter overall disease-free survival, but further studies are needed.
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