Tratamento endovascular com endoprótese aórtica para aneurisma de artéria subclávia secundário à fístula arteriovenosa axilo-axilar traumática tardia
Endovascular treatment with aortic endoprostheses for subclavian artery aneurysm secondary to late traumatic axillary-axillary arteriovenous fistula
Vinicius Tadeu Ramos da Silva Grillo; Rodrigo Gibin Jaldin; Felipe Damascena Rosa; Mariana Thais Silva Secondo; Rafael Elias Farres Pimenta; Matheus Bertanha; Marcone Lima Sobreira; Winston Bonetti Yoshida
Traumatic arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) involving the axillary and subclavian vessels are uncommon and account for 5 to 10% of all arterial traumas. The complex anatomy of this region makes treatment of this segment challenging. In this therapeutic challenge, we describe the case of a 73-year-old man, referred for progressive edema and ulceration involving the right upper limb and with a history of gunshot wound to the right infraclavicular region about 50 years previously. Angiotomography was performed and an axillary-axillary AVF was found, associated with tortuosity and aneurysmatic dilation of the subclavian artery downstream. He underwent endovascular intervention and a conical (monoiliac) 26 × 14 × 90 mm Braile® endoprosthesis was used in the aneurysmatic subclavian artery, posterior to the exit of the right vertebral artery and a 16 × 16 × 95mm Excluder® monoiliac endoprosthesis was placed overlapping the first prosthesis, showing a satisfactory result. Therefore, the possibility of successfully using aortic endoprostheses in an unusual and exceptional situation is described.
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