Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Original Article

Relationship between the diameter of great saphenous vein and body mass index

Amélia C. Seidel; Fausto Miranda Jr.; Yara Juliano; Neil F. Novo

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OBJECTIVE: This study has been designed to correlate the diameter of the greater saphenous vein in different levels of the lower limbs with the body mass index of each individual to determine a possible relation between them. METHODS: Fifty-two lower limbs in 26 volunteers (six males and 20 females) without a chronic venous disease record, aged 21-68 were evaluated. Prior to color-flow duplex scanning the body mass index was defined. The deep and superficial venous systems and perforator veins were assessed as described in the literature. The diameter of the greater saphenous vein was measured with ultrasound longitudinal imaging in seven different levels. For the statistical analysis, Student t test for paired data and Spearman test were used. RESULTS: The difference observed in saphenous venous in the second and third levels when compared to the lower right and left limbs was not considered significant and a single group was formed to correlate with body mass index. The correlation was considered statistically irrelevant. CONCLUSION: By correlating the diameters of the greater saphenous vein with the body mass index of each individual it was noted that the relation between them is not significant, therefore it can be assumed that tall thin individuals can have greater saphenous vein with similar diameter as short fat individuals.


saphenous vein, color Doppler ultrasonography, veins


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