Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Letter to the Editor

Rupture of vasa vasorum and intramural hematoma of the aorta: a changing paradigm

Jan Janzen

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Dear ladies and gentlemen

I would like to congratulate Adamastor Humberto Pereira for his excellent review about rupture of vasa vasorum in 2010.

From the vascular histopathologist standpoint of view it is worth emphasising the role of vasa vasorum in acute dissection with and/or without aneurysms.

We found lightmicroscipally in 46 of 171 cases a rupture of vasa vasorum as the cause of dissection (Figure 1 and 2)1,2.

Furthermore I would like to remark that vasa vasorum in aneurysms of the aorta ascendens presenting a wide morphological spectrum. In atherosclerotic aneurysms non-stenotic vasa vasorum were observed. In contrast to these findings non-atherosclerotic aneurysms showed concentric and excentric stenosis causing leiomyomatous hyperplasia3.


1. Janzen J. Ätiologie von 171 Aneurysmata der Aorta ascendens. Perfusion 2007;20:256-62.         [ Links ]

2. Janzen J, Schmidli J. Marfan, Stary, Vuong und andere. 7. Dreiländertagung, Gefässchirurgie, Berlin 7-11. September 2010.         [ Links ]

3. Janzen J, Aebert H, Ziemer G, Guyot H, Bültmann B. Morphologische Aspekte der Vasa vasorum in Aneurysmen der Aorta ascendens. Perfusion. 2003;16:394-9. 

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