Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Case Report

Surgical importance of variant hepatic blood vessels: a case report

Thejodhar Pulakunta; Bhagath Kumar Potu; Vasavi Rakesh Gorantla; Venkata Ramana Vollala; Jency Thomas

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This report describes a variation in blood vessels of the liver and abnormal entry of hepatic arteries into the liver found during routine dissection in an approximately 43-year-old male cadaver. An accessory hepatic artery arose from the superior mesenteric artery and entered the liver at the porta hepatis, whereas the proper hepatic artery was seen entering the left liver lobe at the fissure for ligamentum venosum. Clinical implications of such variation are discussed in the article.


Hepatic artery, accessory hepatic artery, liver transplantation


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